THERYQ - Making FLASH radiation therapy accessible to all.

Industries France
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À propos


THERYQ,     filiale du groupe français ALCEN, est une société de technologie médicale innovante spécialisée dans la conception, la fabrication et la commercialisation de systèmes de radiothérapie FLASH.


THERYQ vise à élargir l'utilisation de la radiothérapie en oncologie et à mettre au point de nouveaux traitements pour les patients atteints de cancer.



THERYQ is an innovative medical device company specializing in the design, manufacture and commercialization of FLASH radiotherapy systems. THERYQ aims to expand the use of radiotherapy in oncology and unlock new treatments for patients with cancer. We want to improve patient care and have a positive impact on patients' lives, expectancies, and quality of life by providing efficient, precise, ultra-short radiation treatments. FLASH radiotherapy offers new possibilities and hope for cancer patients all over the world.



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